I wouldn’t be without them when planning a yoga sequence! They are so helpful and just the colors and the picture alone help to prompt when I am teaching. Absolutely love them!
These cards were a game changer for my personal practice and as a new RYT-200 HR instructor they are helping me to become more confident in sequence planning.
Quick shipping and the cards are amazing. They will definitively add much ease to my class planning and also help me come up with creative ideas.
The PlayPauseBe Yoga decks are designed to help you create a truly personalized practice. They will help you practice yoga mindfully, at your own pace, disconnecting from everything.
The Yoga Deck is a beautiful work of art made of 82 cards. There are 9 categories that will take you through a complete yoga practice, from warm up to slow down.
PlayPauseBe helps you create an infinite number of sequences, whether you are a beginner or advanced. On every card, beneath each position, there is a simple phrase that helps you set your focus and practice safely.
Under the phrase, the numbers on the left of the “rewind” symbol are suggested positions to practice before the card at hand, while the numbers on the right of the “fast-forward” symbol are suggested positions or counterposes to play after the card at hand.
The “volume” symbol under the phrase gives you an indication of how advanced the position is. The fire figure will indicate if a position is aimed at building heat and make your muscles burn. This way you can choose to create a dynamic sequence or a relaxing one.
With these indications, creating sequences has never been so easy!
Target Benefits of the following sequence:
On the top of each card we added which chakra the pose activates. For each pose, you can find highlighted, the chakras involved.
This way, you can easily create sequences based on a specific chakra theme, or discover a deeper understanding of each pose on an energetic level.
On the back of each card, you will find 10 benefits. The ones that are relevant for the card at hand are highlighted. This way you can also create a practice according to your health goals.
Front & Backside of the cards with highlighted benefits
For the yogis that want to build longer sequences, we have created a deck including copies of the most common positions, bonus cards for sequence building and intentional cards that encourage you to bring more purpose to your practice.
The bonus cards are designed to help you remember to:
The intentional cards are the perfect solution if you’re struggling to find new ideas and inspiration for your yoga practices. Each card features a stunning artwork, representing a specific quality, such as self-love, compassion, truth, confidence, grounding, freedom… and so on.
Take a moment to absorb the magical energy from each card and let the power of your inner intuition show you what to focus on…
The decks are a work of art made by the renowned Italian artist Giulia Rosa who personally designed the cards in every detail. It took us over a year to create the final version of the decks.
Umberto, our founder, believes Giulia will one day be the next Andy Warhol*, and the PlayPauseBe deck will be a truly iconic product helping millions of Yogis around the world.
*Since they first met in 2020, Giulia has been featured in Forbes and as a guest in national and international exhibitions. You can find Giulia on Instagram @giuliajrosa where she has a following of more than 500k
The rigid box is made with a fine Linen-structured paper and the cards are made of a 320g Pro paper produced in Italy from FSC Certified sources. The highest standard in terms of flexibility, resistance to moisture, and durability.
The PlayPauseBe yoga decks help you create a regular practice that unleashes your spirit in a distraction-free environment, where you can forget about your digital devices for a while.
Feel free to practice whenever and wherever you want: at home, in nature, or in your favorite spot, and enjoy the beauty of the present moment.
The PlayPauseBe cards are made in Europe with the highest quality, sustainable materials available. Our Eco factory is powered by solar energy, uses rainwater in sanitary installations, and recycles all production waste. Our goal is to make sure that we do not grow at the expense of our planet and its climate.
In four words: It will improve dramatically.
We have taken a step further into the realm of immersive training, retaining the acclaimed essence of the decks’ previous version, and boosting it up with an even more comprehensive degree of mindfulness.
Build up your own sequences in a simpler and safer way, thanks to our unique, logical, straight-to-the-point system of referencing between cards and the 100-page user’s manual (both on paper, and immediately downloadable as PDF, for maximum versatility).
Enhanced conscious training: design your own sequences, based upon your very skills, so you can move forward “automatically” at your own pace. Follow your breath and listen to your body at a deeper level.
Exercise focusing on YOUR specific health needs and goals, thanks to the benefit icons printed on the back of each card. (You can for instance design sequences dedicated to help better your sleep, improve focus or boost your immune system.)
You’ll be able to lay out sequences that target every single Chakra you wish to focus on. (So you will be able to connect deeply to your energetic body.)
Get into “mindfulness mode” everywhere you are, at any moment, instantly! - You can practice yoga at your will, even if you’re in the middle of a rainforest, and detach your eyes from retina-sucking devices. No internet connection is required.
Unlimited inspiration and step-by-step, paint-by-numbers walkthrough for your yoga sequences and class themes. (Your students will literally worship your expertise.)
Master yoga as part of your daily routine; level up quicker, better, and with less effort than you can ever imagine. (ignite into your body more strength, dexterity, flexibility, and forge a steel-grounded mind).
Playpausebe is not just a product. As soon as you make your purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to join our Facebook Group. A unique place for yoga students and teachers to connect, ask for feedback, share sequences, challenge each other and receive support not only from our teachers but also from the experienced yogis inside the community!
Take It From Our Happy Customers
A regular yoga practice brings life-changing benefits to your body, mind and soul.
However, in this fast-paced society that asks us to be connected 24/7, it’s often challenging to switch off and go within (even while doing yoga!).
This is why we created the PlayPauseBe Yoga deck.
Whether you’re a beginner, an advanced yogi, or a yoga teacher, these revolutionary decks cards will help you practice with zero distractions and build sequences easily with confidence and inspiration.
PlayPauseBe is one of the most successful Yoga projects in Kickstarter’s history. Our mission is to empower Yogis from all over the world and bring more purpose and awareness to their practice.
Absolutely yes! The PlayPauseBe Yoga Decks already helped thousands of yoga teachers around the world. The Decks are very useful for teachers because:
• You get TONS of inspiration for your class themes
• You can plan your classes in a much faster and more efficient way
• You can memorize your sequences easily thanks to the visual content
• The descriptions on each card help you learn and remember the appropriate queueing and Sanskrit name of every single pose
And much more!
Yes, the PlayPauseBE Decks are also meant to introduce beginners to yoga self-practice. They will help you to have a deeper understanding of this discipline in a more proactive way, practice without a screen, and help you to build your own yoga routine.
You can find all the indications you need to create your sequences, not only on the cards but also on the physical booklet AND on the online manual.
Plus, you will always have the support of our teachers (and the experienced yogis in the community!) in our Facebook Group, dedicated to those who want to deepen their practice with the PlayPauseBe decks.
We are constantly working to add new poses: one of our next projects is to add expansion decks, ONLY for extra poses! Don’t hesitate to contact us at info@playpausebe.com and share with us which poses you would like to see and we will take it into consideration.
You can find all the indications you need to create your sequences, not only on the cards but also on the physical booklet AND on the online manual. Plus, you will always have the support of our teachers (and the experienced yogis in the community!) in our Facebook Group, dedicated to those who want to deepen their practice with the PlayPauseBe decks.
We know that sometimes it can be tricky to start the journey into self-practice. If you’re not used to it, you can find yourself overwhelmed with questions and doubts.
That’s why we created the PlayPauseBe Facebook group: a wonderful community for all yogis and yoginis who want to share their paths together and support each other. For any questions or doubts, you can post inside the group and our teacher and the experienced practitioners inside the community will be happy to help!
If you don’t have Facebook, you can reach us at info@playpausebe.com or tine@playpausebe.com and we’re going to reach you back as soon as possible.
The expansion deck is meant to be used for the yogis that want to build longer sequences. Inside this expansion deck, you will find copies of the most common positions, 12 intentional cards, and some bonus cards for sequence building.
We ship PlayPauseBe everywhere in the world. Shipping times depend on your location. We have 3 warehouses across the globe:
If you want more information click here
Card Number | Position |
1 | Cat Cow |
2 | Shoulder Warm Up |
3 | Seated Side Stretch |
4 | Seated Gentle Twist |
5 | Wrist Warm Up |
6 | Butterfly |
7 | Open Chest |
8 | Neck |
9 | Thread the Needle |
10 | Core |
11 | Sun Salutations A |
12 | Sun Salutations B |
13 | Mountain Pose |
14 | Standing Forward Fold |
15 | Chair Pose |
16 | Twisted Chair Pose |
17 | Crescent Lunge – High Lunge |
18 | Triangle Pose |
19 | Warrior 1 |
20 | Warrior 2 |
21 | Reverse Warrior 2 |
22 | Wide-Legged Forward Bend |
23 | Extended Side Angle Pose |
24 | Knee to nose |
25 | knee to elbows |
26 | Extended Side Angle binds |
27 | Wild Thing |
28 | 3 legged dog |
29 | Dancer Pose |
30 | Tree Pose |
31 | Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose |
32 | Warrior 3 |
33 | Eagle Pose |
34 | Cobra |
35 | Upward Facing Dog |
36 | Locust Pose |
37 | Bow Pose |
38 | Bridge Pose |
39 | Upward Bow (Wheel) Pose |
40 | Camel Pose |
41 | Fish Pose |
42 | pyramid pose |
43 | Fallen triangle |
44 | Shoulder Stand |
45 | Plow Pose |
46 | Headstand |
47 | The Clown or Tripod Headstand |
48 | Downward Facing Dog |
49 | Dolphin |
50 | Upward Table or Upward Plank |
51 | Plank Pose |
52 | Plank to Four Limbed Staff Pose |
53 | Side Plank |
54 | Crow Pose |
55 | Eight-Angle Pose |
56 | Firefly |
57 | Side Crow |
58 | figure 4 |
59 | Child’s Pose |
60 | Seated Forward Fold |
61 | Half Split or Split |
62 | Low Lunge Pose |
63 | Pigeon Pose |
64 | Wide Legged Forward Fold |
65 | Boat Pose |
66 | Head-to-Knee Forward Bend |
67 | Seated Twist |
68 | Half Moon |
69 | Standing Split |
70 | Super Soldier |
71 | Forearm Stand |
72 | Handstand |
73 | Bird of Paradise Pose |
74 | Flying Pigeon |
75 | Supine Twist |
76 | Reclining Bound Angle Pose |
77 | Happy Baby |
78 | Knees to Chest |
79 | Feet Up the Wall |
80 | Savasana |
81 | Fetal Pose |
82 | Namaste |