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Here’s How You Can Go

Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

Anyone who aspires to safely perform headstands or handstands with perfect technique, can now learn to do it by following this step-by-step method.

From targeted daily exercises to mindset shifting techniques, every aspect of achieving full inversions is covered!

Please give me lifetime access, with a 30-day,

100% money-back guarantee + three bonuses

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Please give me lifetime access, with a 30-day,

100% money-back guarantee + three bonuses

⚠️ [sales] Spots Available!

If going upside down in yoga
makes you feel


You’ve always dreamed of going upside down, but you’re too scared even to try.


You've tried over and over again, and now you're convinced it will take years of training to reach your goal… so you stopped thinking about it.


It’s hard for you to find trusted instructions online, with everyone promising you the "magic formula" that ends up being general advice that you can’t apply on an individual level.


You’ve attended in-person or online workshops or training, but something is missing.

No worries, here's an amazing news FOR YOU

After carefully studying the feedback of THOUSANDS of our students

we’ve built the most comprehensive 2-in-1 program

for handstands and headstands available!


Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

From Tine:

Do you look in awe at others in class who can hold a perfect headstand and handstand? 

Do you wish you could do the same but feel like you’re not advanced enough or you’re scared of getting hurt? 

I get it; that’s how I used to feel when I first started practicing yoga. In fact, I thought I would never be able to stand on my head, let alone balance my weight on my hands. 

But the truth is, anyone can learn how to safely and correctly perform inversions, and guess what? You don’t need to practice for years and years to do it.

I realized this while we were filming UpsideDown in 30 Days with our amazing Illona and the team. At the time, I was a full-time mom of a 10-month-old baby and I had given up completely on the idea of being able to hold a handstand correctly and safely.

During the second day of shooting of Upside Down in 30 Days I got my “aha!” moment… Everything started to make sense. What I was missing was not strength but a method that would prepare my body and ( above all) my mind to go upside down.

I decided to commit, and after exactly 27 days I was able to go in handstand position confidently and hold it for over 15 seconds!

Like all the challenging yoga postures, there is a process to learning inversions and that’s what makes all the difference.

We created this course to guide you through Illona’s unique version of that process, using progressive postures and exercises to build up your strength, improve your balance, and fully develop core engagement before going upside down.

I have just made my first handstand, I don’t need a course…

Wait… simply throwing your body into an inverted shape without understanding safety and correct alignment can be extremely harmful.

Many intermediate practitioners may be able to get upside down, but they have no idea if their alignment is correct or not. That is very common. If you are experiencing this, we’ve got you covered: 

We will break down the alignment of inversions and help you find the proper weight distribution in a headstand or handstand. We’ll introduce to you the sixth sense, proprioception, which will give you awareness of your alignment without seeing your body for yourself. 

This will not only help you perform inversions safely and correctly. It will allow you to connect your body and mind on a deeper level, advancing your practice in all areas.

So if you love inversions and want to know how to hold a handstand for a minute or learn all the headstand variations, this course is ideal for you. We dive deep into inversions, explaining the science behind them and offering many tips that you would never have thought of. 

We’ll reintroduce inversions to you in the safest way, helping you break any bad alignment habits before you cause harm to your body. Your body is a temple, and if you want it to perform cool shapes and movements, you need to invest in learning to do it safely.

With Upside Down In 30 Days, I unlocked a deeper awareness of my body and I was finally able to hold a Handstand in total confidence.

Most of the time, the biggest block is in your head.

That’s why sometimes it seems like no matter how much you train…  You can’t perform some moves quite right (or at all).

This is why we’ve included unique techniques that help to rewire your subconscious mind and remove those mental blocks.

Those techniques, when combined with targeted physical exercises, will accelerate your progress and make the journey stress-free!

Plus, the benefits will impact both your practice and your daily life, and you’ll reclaim your personal power both on and off the mat.

What you'll gain with

Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

Take a look inside:

Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

The most comprehensive 2-in-1 program for handstands and headstands

Hours of Content
0 +

1. Headstand

Welcome to the headstand journey
Light meditation
Potential injuries to know before you start
Benefits of headstand
Falling out of your headstand
Avoiding the tilt of the pelvis
Shoulder opening
Using your Strap
How to protect your head while upside down
How to use your hip flexor
Going upside down
Headstand is easy
Dare to come forward
Develop the Pelvis Awareness
Core reinforcement
Hips Opening
Shoulder opening
Shoulder reinforcement
Side body opening
Side body reinforcement
Work with someone who never practiced
Work with someone who practices for fun
Work with someone who already practice headstand
How to use the wall
Different entries
Different headstands
Let us know about your experience!

2. Handstand

Welcome to the handstand journey
Light meditation
Potential injuries to know before you start
Distance between hands
Falling out of your Handstand
Going upside down
Wrist Warm up
Dare to come forward
Build strong fingers
Develop the Pelvis Awareness
Core reinforcement
Hips Opening
Shoulder opening
Shoulder reinforcement
Side body opening
Side body reinforcement
Going upside down for the first time
Learning the cartwheel step by step
Shoulder opening with the block
Exercise to apply more weight on your hands
Deepening your cartwheel practice
Wall walk
Shoulder stability
Expand your ribcage
Dowdog Jumps
Exercise with a wall
Gymnast handstand preparation – shoulders to ears exercise
Advanced down
Learn the tucked handstand
Wall exercise – use only 1 leg to lean
Transition from standing split into your handstand
Balance in your handstand with the support of a wall
Find your balance using the bent knee
Enter your handstand from Puppy Press!

Upside Down In 30 Days is designed to help you master inversions, safely and step-by-step...

…while at the same time, focusing on teaching in a way that helps a broad range of different people → Spoiler we have members of PPB team, everyone with different bodies, learning to go upside down.

Including how to assist an inversion around individual needs…

How to avoid common mistakes that intermediates often make…

And how to use props in areas you’re still working on mobility and range of motion.

Eventually, you’ll feel even more confident and free to create your own practices with a strong, new body.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner… 

Mastering Inversions with Upside Down In 30 Days will offer you clear guidance, insight, and inspiration.

You absolutely CAN improve your inversions, and it’s not as hard as you think! We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Other courses vs.

Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

Upside Down In 30 Days

Other courses

Is Upside Down In 30 Days
really for me?

Are you a beginner? An intermediate practitioner? A yoga teacher? 

Take a look at one of the videos below we’ve done for you, and discover how Upside Down In 30 Days can help you get the results you are looking for!

Meet your teacher

Half Swiss half Mauritian, Illona is a free spirit with a passion for the natural flow of life. With 600 hours of instructor training and over 1500 hours of teaching, she has helped a lot of yogis and yoginis reach their inversion goals in a mindful and effective way, teaching them to channel both physical and mental strength.

What Is Going To Happen
To Your Yoga Practice?

This course will bring you multiple long-term benefits.

Developing new skills has never been easier, but you will be amazed at how far you can go.

Strength, power, balance, and energy will flow within you like never before. You will overcome your fears, gain confidence, and find limitless motivation to move forward in your practice.

Your physical and mental strength will be greater than you’ve ever imagined, along with your flexibility and sense of well-being.

Defying gravity with inversions will become as natural to you as walking, and when your head is upside down, you’ll get a new perspective on reality!

That’s where the real fun will begin.

You’ll start realizing that the way you act on the mat is nothing more than a mirror of how you live your life and become unstoppable.

And in an “aha” moment you will find yourself, realize your true potential

Get ready to train your body AND mind, the way that Yoga Masters do.

Learn Headstands and Handstands confidently and mindfully in 30 days, with our proven method combining targeted workout routines with ancient yogic techniques.

Plus, when you join today you’ll get access to 2 bonuses for free:

Bonus #1

The Yoga Sequence Guidebook
Inversions Edition
(Value €37 FREE)

After the HUGE success of our 2 versions of the Yoga Sequence Guidebook, we decided to create a SPECIAL version, with 10 brand new sequences made with the PPB Yoga Deck, aimed to help you in your journey towards inversions!

Inside, you’ll find different sequences that will help you to…

Bonus #2

3 part breath video-lesson
(Value €27 FREE)

Out of breath when upside down?


When upside down, we tend to be more focused on our shape rather than our breathing. You can practice your inversions even with no awareness of the breath – but not when it comes to holding the pose for a certain amount of time.
This won’t be possible unless you oxygenate your muscles and tissues correctly


This is why the Three-Part Breathe Video lesson is very beneficial for you: it will give you the opportunity to practice breathing with your full abdomen, side body, and chest. The more you practice this breath the more awareness and habit you develop for when you’ll be upside down. 

Once you repeat this exercise, there will be no tightness, and you’ll be able to keep stability and balance much easier in your inversions. 

Bonus #3

Access to the Facebook group
“Upside Down in 30 days”
(Value Priceless FREE)

When you enroll in the course, you’ll get immediate access to the private Facebook community. In this way, you’re going to receive not only personal advice and feedback from PlayPauseBe experts, but also support from our advanced students enrolled in Upside Down in 30 Days!

Get your Lifetime Access to

Upside Down

in 30 days!

in 30 days

Total Value $299.00

Please give me lifetime access, with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee + three bonuses

Start Going Upside Down

Risk Free!

We put this program together for YOU. We want to help you bring these time-tested inversion practices into your life, so you can achieve the beautiful movements you’ve been striving to learn.

That’s why we’re offering you a 100% money-back guarantee — you can join Upside Down In 30 Days today and start practicing risk-free. After 30 days, if you don’t feel like you got any benefit from the course, send our support team an email and we’ll gladly refund you.

It means the world to us that you learn and grow from this course, and that you enjoy every minute of it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Not at all!

If you decide to enroll be aware that they are actually meant to teach beginners and intermediates alike.

Beginners will have clear, detailed step-by-step lessons. They’ll learn how to build the proper mindset, strength and flexibility, stay grounded, and keep the correct alignment for the headstand and handstand.

Intermediates will find benefit from these courses by improving their balance and stability while upside down, holding both inversions longer than they usually do. 

Not only will this help take the practice to another level — it will offer motivation and encouragement to keep challenging and improve themselves even more!


Our courses are helpful for Yoga Instructors!

The emphasis on where to bring your attention while upside down, and how to modify them for different ability levels make this a great tool even for instructors to learn new ways of describing these advanced poses to students!

Yes!! We know how important ongoing training is for yoga teachers. 

That’s why, once you have completed the course, you have the opportunity to get a certificate that validates your training, after completing a verification test. 

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us at

As we already mentioned, both courses are suitable for all types of practitioners. 

Our weekly workouts are focused on getting strength and flexibility, targeting all the most important muscles. Inside the Mains, which are the most important exercises that will help you to build the base for your inversions, you will find:

Core reinforce – 10 mins exercise 

Shoulder reinforce – 10 mins exercise

Shoulder Opening – 25 mins exercise

Lower back opening 25 mins exercise 

Side body opening – 20 mins exercise

And so much more! 

Based on your level of training and experience, you will find all the information inside the course on how many times you should repeat these exercises per week in order to get strong and flexible enough.

No, even if we recommend the use of yoga blocks, a cushion, and a belt (you can use a yogic belt but also something similar is fine as well!). 

You don’t need a big space to follow the exercises required. You can practice from the comfort of your own home. Of course, be careful to choose a place in which there are no objects around that you could potentially bump into, and find a free wall to practice your headstand/handstand!

Our team is at your disposal whenever needed. If you have doubts or you want to show your progress, you can send an email to our customer support and you will have the direct feedback of our experienced teacher Illona. 

For proper feedback, we recommend a recording while upside down.

Illona has many years as a yoga and acro yoga practitioner and 5+ years of teaching experience, plus thousands of hours of classes with people from all over the world. 

She helped a lot of students to reach their goal of mastering inversion in a fun, safe, and easy way, working with people from different body constitutions, ages, and abilities.

Our programs are made to learn headstand and handstand step by step in a safe and easy way. If you want extra support, inside the “Different tools” section of the Upside Down In 30 Days course, you will find videos that will show you how to go upside down with the help of a friend or a partner, and what the helper can do to make this learning easier for you!

Also, if you want to receive support from us, you can contact us on the dedicate Facebook Group and you will receive personal feedback from our experienced instructors.

You can join Upside Down In 30 Days today and start practicing risk free. After 30 days, if you don’t feel like you got any benefit from the course, send our support team an email and we’ll gladly refund you. Our main aim is to help you grow from this course, and that you enjoy every minute of it!

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Beginner: no or little experience in yoga
Intermediate: a few years of experience in yoga
Teacher: you teach yoga or you are in YTT