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Mudra Deck Basic Bundle

  • The Mudra Deck (77 Cards, Printed + in Depth Online Manual)
  • Mudra Essentials: A hands-on version of the Mudra Mastery Course, featuring an intro to Mudras, 15 customized routines, and easy instructions to integrate mudras into daily life on and off the mat.



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Frequently bought together with the Mudra Deck Basic Bundle

Ultimate Guidebook Collection


Chair Yoga Sequence Guidebook (PDF format)


Asana Expansion Sequence Guidebook (PDF format)


Hatha Vinyasa Guidebook Bundle (PDF format)


Ultimate Guidebook Bundle (PDF format)


Yoga Sequence Guidebook Vol.1 & Vol.2 (PDF format)


With the Mudra Deck Basic Bundle you get:

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Beginner: no or little experience in yoga
Intermediate: a few years of experience in yoga
Teacher: you teach yoga or you are in YTT